Title - Lizzie Borden
Description - Lizzie Andrew Borden (July 19, 1860 – June 1, 1927), American socialite who was tried and acquitted for the 1892 axe murders of her father and stepmother in Fall River, Massachusetts. The case was a cause célèbre throughout the United States. Following her release from the prison in which she had been held during the trial, Borden chose to remain a resident of Fall River, Massachusetts, for the rest of her life, despite facing significant ostracism. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts elected to charge no one else with the murder of Andrew and Abby Borden; speculation about the crimes still continues more than 100 years later.
Description Source - Description taken from Wikipedia
Year - Circa 1890
Lizzie Borden, Massachusetts Socialite and Accused Murderer
New borderless print
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