Title - Apollo 13 Crew in Raft after Splashdown
Description - Astronaut John L. Swigert Jr., command module pilot, lifted aboard a helicopter in a Billy Pugh helicopter rescue net while astronaut James A. Lovell Jr., commander, awaits his turn. Astronaut Fred W. Haise, Jr., lunar module pilot, is already aboard the helicopter. In the life raft with Lovell, and in the water are several U.S. Navy underwater demolition team swimmers, who assisted in the recovery operations. The crew was taken to the U.S.S. Iwo Jima, prime recovery ship, several minutes after the Apollo 13 spacecraft splashed down at 12:01:44 pm CST on April 17, 1970.
Description Source - NASA
Year - 1970
Apollo 13 Astronaut Crew in Raft after Mission Splashdown, 1970
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