Title - General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Description - Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón (February 21, 1794 - 21 June 21, 1876), often known as Santa Anna or López de Santa Anna and sometimes called "the Napoleon of the West", was an American-born Spaniard (creole) who fought to defend royalist New Spain and then for Mexican independence. He served as a Mexican politician and general. He greatly influenced early Mexican politics and government, a skillful soldier and cunning politician, who dominated Mexican history in the first half of the nineteenth century to such an extent that historians often refer to it as the "Age of Santa Anna." He was called "the Man of Destiny," who "loomed over his time like a melodramatic colossus, the uncrowned monarch." Santa Anna first opposed the movement for Mexican independence from Spain, but then fought in support of it. Though not the first caudillo (military leader) of modern Mexico, he "represents the stereotypical caudillo in Mexican history," and among the earliest. Conservative historian, intellectual, and politician Lucas Alamán wrote that "The history of Mexico since 1822 might accurately be called the history of Santa Anna's revolutions.... His name plays the major role in all the political events of the country and its destiny has become intertwined with his."
Description Source - Bio from Wikipedia
Year - c. 1865
General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, "The Napoleon of the West"
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